03 Marine Works, Frederick (Frank) William Scarbrough's Pool of London, With Footnotes #317

Frederick (Frank) William, Scarbrough (British, 1863-1945)
Unloading, Pool of London
Watercolour heightened with bodycolour
33.7 x 51.4cm (13 1/4 x 20 1/4in)
Private collection

Sold for Sold for £1,275 in April 2022

The Pool of London is a stretch of the River Thames from London Bridge to below Limehouse. Part of the Tideway of the Thames, the Pool was navigable by tall-masted vessels bringing coastal and later overseas goods—the wharves there were the original part of the Port of London. The Pool of London is divided into two parts, the Upper Pool and Lower Pool. The Upper Pool consists of the section between London Bridge and the Cherry Garden Pier in Bermondsey. The Lower Pool runs from the Cherry Garden Pier to Limekiln Creek. More on the Pool of London

Frank Scarbrough was a London artist who settled in Lincoln in 1908. He painted mainly in watercolours, often taking as his subject matter the busy shipping in the Pool of London, where ocean-going liners battled for space with soot grimed tugs and barges in the murky waters of the Thames. On other occasions he painted quite atmospheric pictures, which were often done in the late afternoon when he captured the different reflections on the water in places such as Whitby Bay.

Frederick (Frank) William, Scarbrough (British, 1863-1945)
Evening, Pool of London
Watercolour heightened with white
22.8 x 33.9cm (9 x 13 3/8in)
Private collection

Estimated for £800 - £1,200 in April 2020

Scarbrough belongs to that group of Edwardian artists who worked until the 1930’s and include such well known marine artists as Charles Napier Hemy, William Lionel Wyllie and Charles Dixon. Apart from Hemy, who was in a class of his own, Scarbrough was probably the most interesting of the group, because his work was painted in an impressionistic style that owed nothing to the traditional style of marine painting, but was influenced by the work of Albert Marquet or Camille Pissarro’s “The Docks of Rouen, Morning”. More on Frank Scarbrough

Frederick (Frank) William, Scarbrough (British, 1863-1945)
At Woolwich, London
Watercolour heightened with white
26 x 17cm (10 1/4 x 6 11/16in)
Private collection

Sold for £2,040 in April 2020

Woolwich is a district in southeast London, England, within the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

The district's location on the River Thames led to its status as an important naval, military and industrial area; a role that was maintained throughout the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and most of the 20th century. After several decades of economic hardship and social deprivation, the area is now subject to several large-scale urban renewal projects. More on Woolwich

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01 Marine Art, AFÉLIX ZIEM'S L'Escaut à Anvers, With Footnotes #316

FÉLIX ZIEM (FRENCH, 1821-1911)
L'Escaut à Anvers
Watercolor on paper
81⁄4 x 121⁄2 in. (21 x 31.8 cm.)
Private collection

Sold for USD 6,300 in Apr 2022

L'Escaut à Anvers is a 350-kilometre-long river that flows through northern France, western Belgium, and the southwestern part of the Netherlands, with its mouth at the North Sea. 

Félix Ziem (February 26, 1821 – November 10, 1911) was a French painter in the style of the Barbizon School. He was born Félix-Francois Georges Philibert Ziem in Beaune in the Côte-d'Or département of the Burgundy région of France. His mother was a native of Burgundy who had married an immigrant. Originally, Ziem planned to be an architect and studied at the School of Architecture in Dijon, and for a time he worked as an architect. In 1839 he moved to Marseilles, where he received some informal instruction in painting from Adolphe Monticelli. Painting developed from a hobby into a career following a visit in 1841 to Italy, where he fell in love with the city of Venice, a place that would become the source for many of his works, and to which he returned annually until 1892. Apart from Venetian scenes, he also painted many still lifes, portraits, and landscapes from a variety of places including Constantinople, Martigues, Cagnes-sur-Mer and his native Burgundy. More on Félix Ziem

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Jean François Hue, (French, 1751-1823)
French corvette Bayonnaise boarding HMS Ambuscade during the Action of 14 December 1798
Oil on canvas
Château de Versailles, France

Bayonnaise was a 24-gun corvette of the French Navy, launched in 1793. Bayonnaise was being built as a privateer when the Ministry of Marine requisitioned her in 1793 before she sailed. The Ministry assumed the construction contracts and purchased her in March 1794. Her hull was coppered in 1795 in Brest. She was officially renamed Brême that year, but apparently the new name was roundly ignored.

She became famous for the Action of 14 December 1798, in which she captured the much stronger 32-gun Ambuscade off the Gironde. Ambuscade was blockading Rochefort, when the smaller Bayonnaise captured her. Ambuscade had ten men killed, including her first lieutenant and master, and 36 wounded, including her captain. Bayonnaise had 30 killed, and 30 badly wounded, including Richer and his first lieutenant.

On 28 November 1803, Ardent gave chase to Bayonnaise in Finisterre Bay. The corvette's crew ran her ashore and then set fire to her prevent the British from capturing her. Captain Winthrop of Ardent described Bayonnaise as a frigate of 32 guns and 220 men, which had been sailing from Havana to Ferrol. Actually, Bayonnaise was armed en flute with only six 8-pounder guns, and was returning from the Antilles.

Archaeologists of the "Finisterre Project" in August 2010 located Bayonnaise's wreck on Langosteira beach, Finisterre. More on the Bayonnaise

Jean-François Hue ( Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines , December 2, 1751 - Paris, 26 December 1823) was a French landscape painter of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He was received at the Royal Academy in 1782. His main sources of inspiration for his works are his great voyages.

He entered the studio of Joseph Vernet as a painter and landscape designer; He painted four views of the castle of Mousseaux and it's gardens.

Having specialized in landscapes and marines, his talent allowed him to become an official Navy painter, following in the footsteps of his master Joseph Vernet . Thus, in 1791 , the Constituent Assembly entrusted him with the task of completing the series representing the ports of France, commissioned at Vernet from 1753 .

Between 1792 and 1798 , he executed a series of six paintings on the theme of the ports of Brittany . More on Jean-François Hue

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01 Painting, Marine Art, ANGE-JOSEPH-ANTOINE ROUX's ACTION BETWEEN FRIGATES, With Footnotes #314

Oil on canvas
23 3/8 x 30 in. (59.4 x 76.2cm)
Private Collection

Sold for $1,200 in August 2017

HMS Ambuscade was a 32-gun fifth-rate frigate of the Royal Navy, built in 1773. The French captured her in 1798 but the British recaptured her in 1803. She was broken up in 1810.

On 13 December 1798, Ambuscade captured a French merchantman, Faucon, with a cargo of sugar and coffee bound for Bordeaux. Disaster struck the following day. Ambuscade was blockading Rochefort, when the smaller French corvette Bayonnaise captured her at the Action of 14 December 1798. The court martial exonerated Captain Henry Jenkins of Ambuscade, though a good case could be made that he exhibited poor leadership and ship handling. The French brought her into service as Embuscade.

On 28 May 1803, HMS Victory recaptured her. She had a crew of 187 men under the command of capitaine de vaisseau Fradin, and was 30 days out of Cap Francais, bound for Rochefort. The Royal Navy took her back into service as Ambuscade.

In March 1805, she was attached to Sir James Craig's military expedition to Italy. Along with Dragon, Craig's flagship, and Lively, Ambuscade escorted a fleet of transports to Malta. On 4 March 1807, Ambuscade captured the ship Istria. Unité, Melpomene, Bittern and Weazel (or Weazle) were in company and shared in the prize money. More on the Ambuscade

Ange-Joseph Antoine Roux, "Antoine Roux" (1765–1835) was a French fine art painter who specialised in maritime painting, sometimes referred to as marine art. Roux came from a family of artists and primarily worked in Marseille. Early in life he was apprenticed to his father, Joseph Roux (1752–93), an hydrographer as well as an artist in his own right, spending his leisure hours painting and drawing. He died of cholera in Marseille in 1835. More Roux

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01 Marine Art, Paul Signac's Roscoff , With Footnotes #313

Paul Signac, 1863 - 1935
Roscoff, c. 1927
Watercolour, gouache and pencil on paper
27,6 x 43,8 cm; 10⅞ x 17¼ in.
Private collection

Sold for 63,000 EUR in March 2022

In the 19th century, Roscoff traded in cloth, salt and wood… even onions exported to England. Everything in its historic centre evokes the wealth of maritime trade: from the church hidden away in its garden to the opulent granite dwellings; from the boats sculpted out of stone to the turrets in the old harbour. The spirit of corsairs, smugglers and merchants still seems to hover around the entrances to elaborate cellars that open at street or beach level. More on Roscoff 

Paul Signac, (born Nov. 11, 1863, Paris, France—died Aug. 15, 1935, Paris) A French painter who, with Georges Seurat, developed the technique called pointillism.

When he was 18, Signac gave up the study of architecture for painting and, through Armand Guillaumin, became a convert to the colouristic principles of Impressionism. In 1884 Signac helped found the Salon des Indépendants. There he met Seurat, whom he initiated into the broken-colour technique of Impressionism. The two went on to develop the method they called pointillism, which became the basis of Neo-Impressionism. They continued to apply pigment in minute dabs of pure colour, as had the Impressionists, but they adopted an exact, almost scientific system of applying the dots, instead of the somewhat intuitive application of the earlier masters. In watercolours Signac used the principle in a much freer manner. After 1886 he took part regularly in the annual Salon des Indépendants, to which he sent landscapes, seascapes, and decorative panels. Being a sailor, Signac traveled widely along the European coast, painting the landscapes he encountered. In his later years he painted scenes of Paris, Viviers, and other French cities.

Signac produced much critical writing and was the author of From Eugène Delacroix to Neo-Impressionism (1899) and Jongkind (1927). The former book is an exposition of pointillism, while the latter is an insightful treatise on watercolour painting. More on Paul Signac

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01 Painting - Marine Art, Nicholas Takis' Harbor Scene, with Footnotes, #325

Nicholas Takis, New York (1903 - 1965) Harbor Scene, c. 1963 Oil On Masonite Board 15 3/8"H X 19 1/2"W Private collection Sold for...